Many thousands of moons ago when I was studying under a coven by the name Eclaysha (dont know how to spell it so spelt it out it sounds, as you will notice in many of my writings) I came across some ancient texts while in an old library that contained manuscripts about a war that was supose to happen between "mortals and immortals."
Now before your raise your eyebrow to far up, it later explained that these terms were given to persons who were enlightened and those who were not.
It explained that there was a terrible war that was supose to take place, much like the Civil war of Northren and Southren state here in America, it was a war of views, misunderstandings, and of spiritual design. In the bible it takes about the war that brings about the end of days, and how it starts in heaven and the ripples spred and the battle pours out among the earth. However, I think that this 'holy war' is more of a metaphore.
When ever someones believes are question they are ready to die in battle to protect them. In this case I believe that its more of a spiritual/governmental war. I will later explain what I mean by this. I have had dreams, visions, or what ever you may wish to call them about a great upcoming battle. Let me make some key reference points to kinda back up what im hinting at, and maybe im just reading to much into it but maybe not and I would value others view points on this subject.
In the ending of of the 18th century going into the 19th the Witch Hunts stopped and witchcraft went underground for the most part. Fast forward a few hundred years to the late 20's eairly 30's when it started making a come back. You had people like Gardner and Crowley who became mainstream occultic practioners and were not really quite about it. You have the formation of the Golden Dawn, and the formation of Wicca, and the rebirth of the witchcraft in a sense.
During this time Crowley began creating and using high magics and was feared by many within the pagan community. When the egos of Crowley and Gardner went to blows you have the famous fights where Crowley using his knowledge of the ancient arts, angelic magic, themelatic, and demonology whipped the crap out of Gardner thus leading to the splitting of one of the greatest colleges of witchcraft at the time.
You had Hitler who was using the occult to try and take over the world, and the various occultic testings that he underwent trying to find away to gain ultimate power.
Then you had people like Cunningham, Valentine, Frost, Buddahpest, Boneiwitz, and Buckland as well as others that just kind of went their own ways.
Lets now go into the media of the 60's and 70's where we start to see an increase of programs ran in primetime about witches and witchcraft/occult, Bewitched, and I Dream a Genie. These were simplistic ways of reintroducing young america (not american's) to the idea that witchcraft was still alive and presented it in a none threating manner. You then see an increase of published works showing up on shelves. Lady Gadiva published her Book of Shadows as mainstream reading material, and was greatly looked down upon for having done so.
Soon afterwards you have 100's of books coming out about Psychic development and the "new age" and mind expanding lessons. Enter the hippies. They were probably the closest things to our Pagan image that we now have today, but back then were viewed as freaks and wierdo's. They were 'children of the earth' who promoted peace and tolerence. From their movements we now go into the 70's where movies like the Exercist and Omen have come out exposing us to the devil, and once again creating a witch craze and almost histeria again.
And in the lighter notes of it we have programs like The Adams Family, and the Munsters, which at the very core of them delt in directly with the occult and its history, even taking from popular books and characters, ie frankinstine, dracula, the wolf man, and witch doctors. In the beginning of the 80's we have the imergence of TV programs like V, War of the Worlds, and teenagers with fathers who are space ailens who communicate through a crystal, and she having the ability to stop time. Movies of physic phenomon and hauntings and spirits like The Entity, Poltergiste, The House, Elvira, The Witch's of Eastwick, and Nightmare on Elm Street, Childs Play, and Labryinth (which delt with demonic spirits, and lucid dreaming) which lead into the 90's with such movies as Warlock, Spellbinder, The Craft, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Charmed, which brougt the rise of New Age spiritualism to mainstream america.
During this time in our community 70's-90's we are having earth shaking movements like The American Council of Witchs who come together at Witchstock and create a basic guide line and docterin of what is and isn't in terms of witchcraft. You have the emgerences of your local mediem's, tarot card readers, astrology reading and chart making, and the invention of the Ojia Board, which allows home dabblers to start contacting the otherside and conversing with spirits like the modern day Witch of Endor. People holding seances in their homes, again many of them dabbeling with forces that they had no idea existed let alone how to control.
We for the longest time expeienced a huge flux of energy both physic and spiritual, as we began to accept that magic isn't only in fairytales and we as a whole began to AWAKEN. As the 90's began and moved forward we started seeing more and more the acceptance of witchcraft and finally it was deemed a recognized religion, a huge step from the intolerance that our ancisters faced. Then a very intresting trend came about in the name of Gothic Lifestyle, which became the newest subject of devil worship, much like the punk rockers of the 80's and Rock n Roll of the 50's.
It then became a 'fad' that kids were going through and much like anyone else through out history corporations took advantage of it and we had singers with thier 'dark lyrics' and companies like HotTopic and Spencers who took advantage to make a buck off the fad. This lead even further into the emergence of the craft as another 'fad'. However, we didnt look back at the trends that were set in place throughout history.
We slowly allowed it back into our lives, either through the Cartoons of the the 80's and 90's or through the other outlets of media. Now after my 12 hour rant about this we come to my dreams and my thoughts about an impending battle.
I have had like i said several dreams (or visions) where there had been themes of battle and use of energy (used in place of the word magic) and I will recall them in secssion for you.
1.) (this is the very first memory or vision that I ever had when I was about 4 or 5 and has stayed with me all this time) I was sitting in a wooded area and it was smokey. About 4 or 5 leauges away from me was a huge building. I was summoned to come to it. I got up and slowly moved toward it, where i eventually went in. I noticed that there was smoke all around like fog or clouds on the ground, and when i steped inside it turned grey and black. There were staduim seats that went on forever on either side of me with hundreds of thousands of people who were all whispering to themselves as they saw me enter.
Off in the distance was this bright light with winged beings flying around it. A voice spoke and said "do you know why you were summoned from the wilderness?" I looke up at the light and said "yes I am aware" the smoke cleard a large circle where I was allowed to look down and I saw the earth war struck, and heard the voices of countless millions crying out. I saw the earth broken, scoreched and burning, and large explosions. I looked up at the light and said "why is it that I of all gathered here, have been asked to undertake this mission" the voice said nothing.
I gazed again upon this grim vision of what was below me. I knew that a vast amount of time had spand for this to be seen as it was now. I looked back to the light and said "will I remember? Will the I who stands here now be intact?" the voice said "no, you shall relearn as they, you shall come to see as they, you will stand as they, and have the voice of NOT, for your words shall be spoken in a way to show your age and creed to those who have none. You will lose a great deal in this trial, but you shall have that which is lost returned."
I looked around to the countless sea of faces that looked upon me, and I said "if I should forsake thee, and turn from you then what of the I who now stands, will transgressions be forgiven as I will be made to forget, made to learn as they, for you say that which is lost shall be returned?" all that was spoke was "aye" and with that I stepped into the circle and fell from the sky, my large grey wings ripped from me, covering me in blood and causing pain which I had never known. I landed into the body of a child that was being born, forcing the soul of that child to leave the body, after being smacked on the butt I awoke as a four year old child in bed.
that was the very first dream/vision that I had
2.)I am about 30 and on a battle feild going over schematics there is a war around us. My men and I speaking in code, and I giving out my orders on how to advance. Mind you I am not a US military person just a Commander giving out orders. There is something in a large containment unit behind me, and it speaks in a way that causes the others to bleed from their eyes and ears and it says "do you actually think that you can win?" the men look at me and it, noticing that I have not be adversly affected by this creature and I say to it "if I could best you, the rest are nothing to me but pebbles in my garden, for I am a god among insects and you my bug have been squashed" then a bolt of white light came from my hand killing the being that was locked up. I awoke.
3.) I was sitting on an old tattered couch with my sisters father (who had passed away a year before this dream) on a dirt road. To the right was a war and a burning city, in front a plane that went from desert to green grass, behind me a barbed wire fence with a baren feild. I noticed a large percession of animals all with large teets full of milk walking slowly and sadly from the war zone.
I didnt notice a single male in the bunch. Two very large deer come up to the barbed wire fence and begin licking my sisters dad, and he begins loving on them. I watch as the creatures before me walk toward the green feilds. I turn to him and say "We dont kill the females do we..." and he looks to me and says "no they are needed for us to survive" from this I woke up
4.) Me and a group of friends were running through a forest and we came up on a large old mansion with high fenced walls all around and a heavey lock on the gate, we jumped effortlessly over the wall and ran to the back of the house, where there was a grouping of other houses that looked like a small village that you would see in some 3rd world country, and a dog tied up to a huge thick oak tree with a chain so large and heavy that the dog couldnt move nor stand just lay there and bark. I entered the house through that back door and was taken back by how lush it was inside in compairson to the grounds outside.
I noticed a locked door at the top of a stair case on my right that had red carpet leading to it and a blue light was shining under the door. I heard giggling coming from the parlor of this house and I moved cautiously to it where I hear the ancient raspy voice of some old man speaking. When I came around the corner I saw a row of people from a small baby in dipers all the way up to what looked like a young man in his 20's or 30's and the old man was telling them a story in front of a large fire place. When he noticed me he said "isn't that right Michael" and all the people turned and looked at me. They were all me, from birth to the age I am now and the old man was me too just as I would be at 70 or 80. I woke up
5.) Me and my friends were running from something that was chasing us. We were running through some vineyard trying to get to a shack that was there. All I knew was that we would be safe there and that there was something inside that these creatures that were chasing after us couldnt get ahold of. We got to the shak and I locked them inside and I drew a line in the dirt and said "you shall not pass" and I clapped my hands and at that point all the things that were chasing us jumped out at me and a huge force feild bubbled up around me and the house and knocked back all the things that were trying to get at me and my friends.
I began shooting energy balls from my hands and causing lighting to strike the ground and a huge wind storm blew away everything, all the trees, vineyard, and the creatures so that all was standing was me and the shack with my firends in it. I woke up
6.) I was standing on top of a hill and an explosion happened in the middle of the city I rushed down the side of the hill and ended up at a junk car lot and my sisters dad was walking through there as an old man with a white beard and a walking stick and the junk yard was covered in snow and there was a large apple tree in the middle of it, and I saw something fly over head and another explosion and screaming. He said "you can take care of this, your strong go before you cant" and I went to the other explosion.
There was peopel all dead and some that were badly hurt. For those who were hurt I waved my hand over them and said "all is well, and well is all" their wounds heald and they went running away. A man who looked like my father began running towards me as I heard a shot from a gun being fired I looked up at this 3 story building and saw a man all in black holding a riffle shooting down at us, and one of the bullets hit my father and he fell, I looked up and said something but the whole 3rd story of that building exploded. This green stuff was oozing out of my fathers wounds, I told him to repeat some words after me and he didnt want to and I told him that it was the only way for him to live through it, so he did and while doing so the bullet casing exited his body and fell to the ground.
3 more guys from across the street began firing at us and I waved my hand and the building exploded but they excaped. I told my dad to draw a square in the air with his index finger and told him what to say and when he did a window opened that was showing us where these guy were and where they were running to. I told him to stick his hand into the fire of a reckage that was next to him and think of it like he was picking up a ball. He argued with me that he would get burnt but I told him to trust me and he did so. And he was holding a fire ball and I told him to throw it at the squar and when he did it set the guys on fire and they burnt to ashes. I looked at him and said "do you believe me now, see it isn't all make belive." from that I woke up.
I have about 10 others but I dont feel like typing them up right now. SO what do you all think? Do you think that they are post war, or what. I have felt like they were very important and have written them down in my dream journal. I just wanted to share them with you all. I do believe that there is a battle that will sooner or later happen. I do believe that its going to be a spiritual one, but how soon it will be who knows. What are your thoughts on it?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
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