Bill Schnoebelen
Bill led a very interesting life. For a great deal of it was spent in the occult. Bill Schnoebelen lived on the "dark side" for many years. He was a 90 degree Freemason, a member of the Illuminati, a Satanic Priest, a Catholic Priest and even more. Then one day his monthly tithe check to the church of Satan came back from the bank with a note on the back - ``I'll be praying for you in Jesus' name ". Within a week he lost his demonic power. Later he became a Born Again Christian, and he now has his own ministry. Bill has been in ministry, mostly full-time, since 1986, and no one has yet been able to disprove any of the claims he has made about his admittedly rather bizarre history.
Here is his timeline in brief:
- Born: 1949 (raised Catholic)
- Went through Catholic grade school and high school
- Entered Minor Seminary at Loras College to be a priest: 1967
- Introduced to the occult by a professor: late 1967
- Got involved in Wicca: 1968
- Made a Wiccan priest – first degree (Algard rite): 1968
- Graduated from college and took a leave of absence from priesthood studies: 1971
- Got a job teaching music in a Catholic high school in rural Iowa: 1971-1973
- Met his priestess whom he would later marry (1972)
- Ordained a Spiritualist minister in the Alliance of Divine Love: 1972
- Flew to Boston to be made a priest in the Alexandrian rite of Wicca – February of 1973
- Traveled to Arkansas to study under the Grand Master Druid of North America in the summer of 1973
- Made a Druidic High Priest in July of 1973 – also had a witch handfasting to his wife at the same time in Zion State Park in Zion IL.
- Fall of 1973, traveled to Boston MA to be made high priest (Third degree) in Alexandrian rite of Wicca
- Winter of 1973, began covens in Dubuque and Davenport Iowa
- Legally married by Spiritualist minister from Alliance of Divine Love: May of 1974
- Moved to Milwaukee to teach large numbers of people witchcraft: August of 1974
- Began involvement with Old Roman Catholic Church (ORCC) and studies for diaconate and priesthood in 1974-75
- Also began studies in Blue Lodge Freemasonry and was finally made a Master Mason in 1977
- About the same time (1975) as he got involved in the ORCC, he also became involved withChurch of Satan – became a Second Degree Member (warlock)
- During this same period, he went through York Rite Masonry and became a Knight Templar.
- Later, in 1980, he went through Scottish Rite and became a 32nd degree Mason.
- He was ordained a priest in the ORCC in Plainfield, IL at St. Paul’s Old Catholic church. The ordination certificate is reproduced in MORMONISM’S TEMPLE OF DOOM.
- Through the Church of Satan, he became aware of more “hard core” Satanic groups and got involved with them – first the Order of the Black Ram (in Michigan) and later the Brotherhood in Chicago. This was when he began to practice some pretty heavy-duty sorcery.
In 1977-78 he began to study with the Monastery of the Seven Rays and was ultimately consecrated a Gnostic bishop by its head (see below…). The certificate is reproduced in LUCIFER DETHRONED. As a bishop, he was also charismated into the Syrio-Jacobite Orthodox episcopacy. At the same time, Bill was initiated into the "Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis Mitzraim Freemasonry" and raised to the 90th degree of that Masonic rite. - In 1979 he was introduced to vampirism as part of his training in the dark arts and was initiated into the vampire cult in Chicago in the so-called Church of the Resurrection.
- In 1980, he received a check back from the bank which he had sent to the Church of Satan for dues. A lady from the bank had written on the check, “I will be praying for you in Jesus’ name.” Within days, his life fell apart and he lost all his magical power. This crisis led us, ultimately to join the Mormon (LDS) Church…
- In August of 1980, he and his wife, Sharon, were baptized LDS. He went through several church offices, including Elders’ Quorum President and Institute of Religion teacher.
- In June of 1984, Bill became gloriously saved through the power of the TRUE Jesus Christ (NOT the LDS counterfeit)
- In February of 1985, he formally left the LDS Church.
- In July of 1986, he did his first public ministry at the Capstone Conference in Salt Lake City. That was the formal beginning of Bill’s ministry.
His video Interview can be found on youtube here:
Ok so this guy acted in the facet of 'occulitc' spirituality for several decades yet now because he is "born again" all of the sudden Wicca and Witchcraft are bad? This is what I dont understand about people who become Christian after having taken a walk down our path.
Now for any Christian who may be reading this, YOUR RELIGION created Satan, the Devil, and the Christian idea of Hell, We did not. Yes Wicca is only a couple of years old, having been created in the ladder part of the 1800's and earliest parts of the 1900's circa 1950.
However, pre-christian history shows that there was nature worship thousands of years before the birth of Christ or the Christian church. It was only because of King Constantine that Christianity spread like wildfire though Pagan Europa. Prior to Constantine, Paganism was the bulk of religious views of the people. It wasn't until the persecutions of the Witch's or Pagans started that Witchcraft and the Occult became bad or demonized.
It was the need for power, money, and land that came from the Christian lust turned the world on its ear. Taking all that was holy, and scared and tainting it with the mark of evil.
Look at the peacefulness of the Pre-Christian world verse's the unfolding events, wars, and persecutions that led afterwards. Of course Paganism was driven from the land. These were a peaceful people, who did not wish to fight. Many of them converted to save their lives, and while attended church or mass, they practiced their Pagan Rites.
The whole Catholic religion was formed around Witchcraft and Goddess Worship. Why else would they be the only 'orginized' church that still kept to the rituals that was used in prayer to God. Why else would the whole of the church focuse on Mary as the main central figure, and it be acceptible for the dipection of Jesus to be seen as a baby carried by the virgin? Because the religion is Goddess based. The saints are spirits that were converted over to Christian figures so they could still be worshiped. Look at the direct aspects of some of the saints verses the Pagan Gods/esses or other dieties that are Pagan in nature. You will see quite clearly that they are one in the same. Pretty clever to wrap the same package in differnt paper right?
The jest of this entry is this. Learn what you can, study what you want, live how you are happy, send out only good, try and be just, and what ever higher power that may or may not be out there, should or would be happy. In every major world religion (and some not so major) the core teachings is this "Do unto others as you would have done unto you".
Be Good and just, and you will be rewarded later. For Christians who may read this post. If your god is omni-present, then by defination he is everywhere and in everything. SO if one were to worship a rock, which by Christian logic God 'created', then by capasity I am worshiping him. It even says in the Bible and other religious texts, that you need not a building of stone and morter to worship The Lord.
The context of "Thou shall not worship graven images" came later as religious leaders struggled for power over the Pagan's in the land. So in conclusion, fear not those who do not worship the cross. Cast not your stones as they are to heavy for you to lift. Let live, let love, and let prosper. Only in the fullness of time will we know who is right and who is wrong.
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