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I know that we are always supose to do the right thing. But how do you do the right thing when someone has wronged you time and time again? I know that the Reed says "An Ye Harm None, Do As Ye Will" but does that include their feelings when you are tired of being talked down to, and walked on, and used?I know it also says "Unless in thy self defense it be" so would it be in self defense if you began fighting back? How much is too much? How do you know that what you are about to do is good or bad? No one man or woman can ever fully know the damage that is caused by tossing a pebble into a pond just to watch the ripples move out from the point of impact.
Are you doing bad/wrong when you feel that its in best intentions? Is it part of the Divine Comedy to watch you struggle and fight, sometimes helplessly as if a worm on a line?
When is it ok to say enough? How do you sleep when the warmth isn't in your heart? How do you go from anger and hatred to forgiving peace?
Conflicted is a good word to use!
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